
Sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace aka THE NEW WORLD ORDER -1 of 14-

Sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace aka THE NEW WORLD ORDER -1 of 14- Video Clips. Duration : 15.00 Mins.

Uploaded for pacman.pt.vu My channel: www.youtube.com YouTube PlayList: www.youtube.com Original website: Infowars.com - prisonplanet.com and prisonplanet.tv - Sign up today and support this infowar !!! --- The Alex Jones Show - 2011-03-09 Alex welcomes Jerome Corsi back to the show. Corsi is best-known for his two New York Times bestselling books: The Obama Nation and Unfit for Command. He is also a journalist for the alternative news websites WorldNetDaily and Human Events. Alex also talks with pastor and former Alaskan pipeline missionary Lindsey Williams. In 2010, Williams, using oil industry insider sources, predicted the rise in oil and gas prices we are now enduring. ---

Keywords: ILLUMINATI, NWO, Freemasons, skull&bones, CFR, Bilderberg, new-world-order, Satanists, Nazi, 666, endtimes, 2012-2050, population-reduction, population-control, Mr, Pacmanpacks

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